Source code for turbo_seti.find_event.plot_event_pipeline

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Front-facing script to plot drifting, narrowband events in a set of generalized
cadences of ON-OFF radio SETI observations.

import os
from operator import attrgetter
import pandas
from blimpy import Waterfall
from . import plot_event

[docs]class PathRecord: r''' Definition of an H5 path record ''' def __init__(self, path_h5, tstart, source_name): self.path_h5 = path_h5 self.tstart = tstart self.source_name = source_name def __repr__(self): return repr((self.path_h5, self.tstart, self.source_name))
[docs]def plot_event_pipeline(event_csv_string, fils_list_string, user_validation=False, offset=0, filter_spec=None, sortby_tstart=True, plot_dir=None): r""" This function calls :func:`~turbo_seti.find_event.plot_event.plot_candidate_events` to plot the events in an output .csv file generated by Parameters ---------- event_csv_string : str The string name of a .csv file that contains the list of events at a given filter level, created as output from The .csv should have a filename containing information about its parameters, for example "kepler1093b_0015_f2_snr10.csv" Remember that the file was created with some cadence (ex. ABACAD) and ensure that the cadence matches the order of the files in fils_list_string fils_list_string : str The string name of a plaintext file ending in .lst that contains the filenames of .fil files, each on a new line, that corresponds to the cadence used to create the .csv file used for event_csv_string. user_validation : bool, optional A True/False flag that, when set to True, asks if the user wishes to continue with their input parameters (and requires a 'y' or 'n' typed as confirmation) before beginning to run the program. Recommended when first learning the program, not recommended for automated scripts. offset : int, optional The amount that the overdrawn "best guess" line from the event parameters in the csv should be shifted from its original position to enhance readability. Can be set to 0 (default; draws line on top of estimated event) or 'auto' (shifts line to the left by an auto- calculated amount, with addition lines showing original position). sortby_tstart : bool If True, the input file list is sorted by header.tstart. Examples -------- >>> import plot_event_pipeline; ... plot_event_pipeline.plot_event_pipeline(event_csv_string, fils_list_string, ... user_validation=False, offset=0) """ #reading in the .csv containing the events try: candidate_event_dataframe = pandas.read_csv(event_csv_string, comment='#') print("plot_event_pipeline: Opened file {}".format(event_csv_string)) except: print("*** plot_event_pipeline: Oops, cannot access file {}".format(event_csv_string)) return fil_file_list = [] for file in pandas.read_csv(fils_list_string, encoding='utf-8', header=None, chunksize=1): fil_file_list.append(file.iloc[0,0]) #obtaining source names source_name_list = [] path_record = [] for fil in fil_file_list: wf = Waterfall(fil, load_data=False) source_name = wf.container.header["source_name"] source_name_list.append(source_name) tstart = wf.container.header["tstart"] path_record.append(PathRecord(fil, tstart, source_name)) # If sorting by header.tstart, then rewrite the dat_file_list in header.tstart order. if sortby_tstart: path_record = sorted(path_record, key=attrgetter('tstart')) fil_file_list = [] for obj in path_record: fil_file_list.append(obj.path_h5) print("plot_event_pipeline: file = {}, tstart = {}, source_name = {}" .format(os.path.basename(obj.path_h5), obj.tstart, obj.source_name)) else: for obj in path_record: print("plot_event_pipeline: file = {}, tstart = {}, source_name = {}" .format(os.path.basename(obj.path_h5), obj.tstart, obj.source_name)) #get rid of bytestring "B'"s if they're there (early versions of added "B'"s to all of the source names) on_source_name_original = candidate_event_dataframe.Source[0] if on_source_name_original[0] == 'B' and on_source_name_original[-1] == '\'': on_source_name = on_source_name_original[2:-2] else: on_source_name = on_source_name_original candidate_event_dataframe = candidate_event_dataframe.replace(to_replace=on_source_name_original, value=on_source_name) # Establish filter-level from filter_spec (preferred) # or 3rd token of the .csv path (don't break an existing caller) if filter_spec is None: filter_level = event_csv_string.split('_')[2] else: filter_level = filter_spec #begin user validation print("Plotting some events for: ", on_source_name) print("There are " + str(len(candidate_event_dataframe.Source)) + " total events in the csv file " + event_csv_string) print("therefore, you are about to make " + str(len(candidate_event_dataframe.Source)) + " .png files.") if user_validation: question = "Do you wish to proceed with these settings?" while "the answer is invalid": reply = str(input(question+' (y/n): ')).lower().strip() if reply == '': return if reply[0] == 'y': break if reply[0] == 'n': return #move to for the actual plotting plot_event.plot_candidate_events(candidate_event_dataframe, fil_file_list, filter_level, source_name_list, offset=offset, plot_dir=plot_dir)