Source code for turbo_seti.find_doppler.find_doppler

turbo_seti doppler search module

This module is deeply dependent on classes and functions in

Main class: FindDoppler

Independent functions:
    search_coarse_channel - for a given coarse channel, doppler search.
    load_the_data - loads everything needed by search_coarse_channel.
    populate_tree - populate "tree_findoppler" used by several functions.
    hitsearch - Searches for hits at given drift rate.
    tophitsearch - Searches for hits with largest SNR within 2*tsteps fine frequency channels.

import math
import os
import time
import logging

import dask.bag as db
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar

from h5py.version import hdf5_version as LIBHDF5_VERSION
from h5py import __version__ as H5PY_VERSION
from h5py._errors import unsilence_errors
from hdf5plugin import version as HDF5PLUGIN_VERSION
from blimpy import __version__ as BLIMPY_VERSION
from .turbo_seti_version import TURBO_SETI_VERSION
from .kernels import Kernels, Scheduler
from .data_handler import DATAHandle, DATAH5
from .file_writers import FileWriter, LogWriter
from .helper_functions import chan_freq, comp_stats
from .merge_dats_logs import merge_dats_logs

#For debugging
#import pdb;# pdb.set_trace()
logger_name = 'find_doppler'
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
version_announcements = '\nturbo_seti version {}\nblimpy version {}\nh5py version {}\nhdf5plugin version {}\nHDF5 library version {}\n\n' \

[docs]class max_vals: r""" Class used to initialize some maximums. """ def __init__(self): # For each index value of the FFT length: self.maxsnr = None # Signal with the maximum SNR self.maxdrift = None # Drift rate of signal # This is an array of ONE element: self.total_n_hits = None # Accumulated total number of hits.
[docs]class FindDoppler: r""" Initializes FindDoppler object. Parameters ---------- datafile : string Input filename (.h5 or .fil) max_drift : float Maximum drift rate in Hz/second. min_drift : float Minimum drift rate in Hz/second. snr : float Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) - A ratio bigger than 1 to 1 has more signal than noise. out_dir : string Directory where output files should be placed. By default this is the current working directory. coarse_chans : list(int) The input comma-separated list of coarse channels to analyze, if any. By default, all coarse channels will be searched. Use this to search only specified channels, e.g. [7,12] will search channels 7 and 12 only. obs_info : dict Used to hold information found on file, including info about pulsars, RFI, and SEFD. flagging : bool Flags the edges of the PFF for BL data (with 3Hz res per channel)? (True/False) Anybody - please improve this cryptic description. n_coarse_chan : int Number of coarse channels in the file. If None (default), blimpy will make this determination (undesirable, in general). kernels : Kernels, optional Pre-configured class of Kernels. gpu_backend : bool, optional Use GPU accelerated Kernels? (True/False) gpu_id : int If gpu_backend=True, then this is the GPU device to use. Default is 0. precision : int {2: float64, 1: float32}, optional Floating point precision for the GPU. The default is 1 (recommended). append_output : bool, optional Append output DAT & LOG files? (True/False) Default is False. DEPRECATED. log_level_int : int, optional Python logging threshold level (INFO, DEBUG, or WARNING) Default is logging.INFO. blank_dc : bool, optional Remove the DC spike? (True/False) Default is True (recommended). """ def __init__(self, datafile, max_drift=10.0, min_drift=0.00001, snr=25.0, out_dir='./', coarse_chans=None, obs_info=None, flagging=False, n_coarse_chan=None, kernels=None, gpu_backend=False, gpu_id=0, precision=1, append_output=False, log_level_int=logging.INFO, blank_dc=True): print(version_announcements) if not kernels: self.kernels = Kernels(gpu_backend, precision, gpu_id) else: self.kernels = kernels logger.setLevel(log_level_int) self.log_level_int = log_level_int self.min_drift = min_drift self.max_drift = max_drift self.out_dir = out_dir self.snr = snr self.data_handle = DATAHandle(datafile, out_dir=out_dir, n_coarse_chan=n_coarse_chan, coarse_chans=coarse_chans, gpu_id=gpu_id, kernels=self.kernels) self.n_coarse_chan = self.data_handle.n_coarse_chan if obs_info is None: obs_info = {'pulsar': 0, 'pulsar_found': 0, 'pulsar_dm': 0.0, 'pulsar_snr': 0.0, 'pulsar_stats':, 'RFI_level': 0.0, 'Mean_SEFD': 0.0, 'psrflux_Sens': 0.0, 'SEFDs_val': [0.0], 'SEFDs_freq': [0.0], 'SEFDs_freq_up': [0.0]} self.obs_info = obs_info self.status = True self.flagging = flagging self.append_output = append_output self.flag_blank_dc = blank_dc self.parms = 'datafile={}, max_drift={}, min_drift={}, snr={}, out_dir={}, coarse_chans={}' \ .format(datafile, max_drift, min_drift, snr, out_dir, coarse_chans) \ + ', flagging={}, n_coarse_chan={}, kernels={}, gpu_id={}, gpu_backend={}, blank_dc={}' \ .format(flagging, self.n_coarse_chan, kernels, gpu_id, gpu_backend, blank_dc) \ + ', precision={}, append_output={}, log_level_int={}, obs_info={}' \ .format(precision, append_output, log_level_int, obs_info) if (min_drift < 0) or (max_drift < 0) or (min_drift > max_drift): raise ValueError("Both min_drift({}) and max_drift({}) must be nonnegative.\nAlso, min_drift must be < max_drift" .format(min_drift, max_drift))
[docs] def last_logwriter(self, arg_path, arg_text): r''' Write the last LogWriter entry Parameters ---------- arg_path : str Path of log for the final log entries. arg_text : str Text message to include at end of the log file. Returns ------- None. ''' logwriter = LogWriter(arg_path)'===== END OF LOG')
[docs] def search(self, n_partitions=1, progress_bar='n'): r""" Top level search routine. Parameters ---------- n_partitions : int Number of Dask partitions (processes) to use in parallel. Defaults to single-partition (process). progress_bar : str {'y', 'n'}, optional Enable command-line progress bar. Returns ------- None. Notes ----- self.data_handle.cchan_list : the list of coarse channel objects for searching, created by self.data_handle = DATAHandle() during __init__() execution. If using dask (n_partitions > 1): * Launch multiple drift searches in parallel. * Each search works on a single coarse channel object. * n_partitions governs the maximum number of partitions to run in parallel. Else, the searches are done in sequence of the coarse channel objects. It is not recommended to mix dask partitions with GPU mode as this could cause GPU queuing. """ t0 = time.time() # Make libhdf5 errors visible. I should not have to do this! unsilence_errors() # from h5py._errors filename_in = self.data_handle.filename header_in = self.data_handle.header # As of 2.1.0, add max_drift_rate and obs_length to FileWriter header input header_in['max_drift_rate'] = self.max_drift wfilename = filename_in.split('/')[-1].replace('.h5', '').replace('.fits', '').replace('.fil', '') path_log = '{}/{}.log'.format(self.out_dir.rstrip('/'), wfilename) path_dat = '{}/{}.dat'.format(self.out_dir.rstrip('/'), wfilename) if self.append_output: logger.debug('Appending DAT and LOG files') else: logger.debug('Recreating DAT and LOG files') if os.path.exists(path_log): os.remove(path_log) if os.path.exists(path_dat): os.remove(path_dat) logwriter = LogWriter(path_log) filewriter = FileWriter(path_dat, header_in) msg = "HDF5 header info: {}\n".format(self.data_handle.get_info()) print(msg) msg = 'Starting ET search with parameters: ' + self.parms + '\n' print(msg) msg = "Computed drift rate resolution: {}\n".format(self.data_handle.drift_rate_resolution) print(msg) # Run serial version if n_partitions == 1: sched = Scheduler(load_the_data, [ (cchan_obj, self.kernels.precision) for cchan_obj in self.data_handle.cchan_list ]) for cchan_obj in self.data_handle.cchan_list: search_coarse_channel(cchan_obj, self, dataloader=sched, filewriter=filewriter, logwriter=logwriter) # Run Parallel version via dask else: print(" Using {} dask partitions".format(n_partitions)) b = db.from_sequence(self.data_handle.cchan_list, npartitions=n_partitions) if progress_bar == 'y': with ProgressBar():, self).compute() else:, self).compute() merge_dats_logs(filename_in, self.out_dir, 'dat', cleanup='y') merge_dats_logs(filename_in, self.out_dir, 'log', cleanup='y') t1 = time.time() self.last_logwriter(path_log, '\n===== Search time: {:.2f} minutes'.format((t1 - t0)/60.0))
[docs]def load_the_data(cchan_dict, precision): r""" Load the DATAH5 object, spectra matrix, and the associated drift indexes. Parameters ---------- cchan_dict : dict A single coarse channel object created by DATAHandle __split_h5. precision : int {2: float64, 1: float32} Floating point precision for the GPU. Returns ------- datah5_obj : DATAH5 object (complex!) spectra : numpy.ndarray Spectra data array. Set by the load_data function. drift_indexes: numpy.ndarray Drift index matrix. Set by the load_data function. """ datah5_obj = DATAH5(cchan_dict['filename'], f_start=cchan_dict['f_start'], f_stop=cchan_dict['f_stop'], cchan_id=cchan_dict['cchan_id'], n_coarse_chan=cchan_dict['n_coarse_chan'], gpu_backend=False, precision=precision) spectra, drift_indices = datah5_obj.load_data() datah5_obj.close() return (datah5_obj, spectra, drift_indices)
[docs]def search_coarse_channel(cchan_dict, fd, dataloader=None, logwriter=None, filewriter=None): r""" Run a turboseti search on a single coarse channel. Parameters ---------- cchan_dict : dict A single coarse channel object created by DATAHandle __split_h5. Contains the following fields: * filename : file path (common to all objects) * f_start : start frequency of coarse channel * f_stop : stop frequency of coarse channel * cchan_id : coarse channel number * n_coarse_chan : total number of coarse channels (common to all objects) fd : FindDoppler object Instance of the FindDoppler class. logwriter : LogWriter, optional A LogWriter to write log output into. If None, one will be created. filewriter : FileWriter, optional A FileWriter to use to write the dat file. If None, one will be created. Returns ------- : bool Returns True if no exceptions occur (needed for dask). Notes ----- This function is separate from the FindDoppler class to allow parallelization. This should not be called directly, but rather via the routine. One exception: turboseti_search package. """ global logger # Fetch the identifier of this coarse channel to search. this_coarse_channel = cchan_dict['cchan_id'] # Set up logging to include the coarse channel identifier. logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name + '.' + str(this_coarse_channel)) logger.setLevel(fd.log_level_int) # Load data from file if dataloader: datah5_obj, spectra, drift_indices = dataloader.get() else: datah5_obj, spectra, drift_indices = load_the_data(cchan_dict, fd.kernels.precision) if this_coarse_channel == 0:"Spectra 0 1st 3 values: {}".format(spectra[0, 0:3]))"Spectra 1 1st 3 values: {}".format(spectra[1, 0:3])) fileroot_out = fd.data_handle.filename.split('/')[-1].replace('.h5', '').replace('.fits', '').replace('.fil', '') if logwriter is None: logwriter = LogWriter('%s/%s_%i.log' % (fd.out_dir.rstrip('/'), fileroot_out, this_coarse_channel)) if filewriter is None: filewriter = FileWriter('%s/%s_%i.dat' % (fd.out_dir.rstrip('/'), fileroot_out, this_coarse_channel), fd.data_handle.header) tsteps = datah5_obj.tsteps tsteps_valid = datah5_obj.tsteps_valid tdwidth = datah5_obj.tdwidth fftlen = datah5_obj.fftlen nframes = tsteps_valid shoulder_size = datah5_obj.shoulder_size logger.debug('===== coarse_channel={}, f_start={}, f_stop={}' .format(this_coarse_channel, cchan_dict['f_start'], cchan_dict['f_stop'])) logger.debug('flagging={}, tsteps={}, tsteps_valid={}, tdwidth={}, fftlen={}, nframes={}, shoulder_size={}' .format(fd.flagging, tsteps, tsteps_valid, tdwidth, fftlen, nframes, shoulder_size)) if fd.flagging: ##EE This flags the edges of the PFF for BL data (with 3Hz res per channel). ##EE The PFF flat profile falls after around 100k channels. ##EE But it falls slowly enough that could use 50-80k channels. median_flag = # spectra[:,:80000] = median_flag/float(tsteps) # spectra[:,-80000:] = median_flag/float(tsteps) ##EE Flagging spikes in time series. time_series = spectra.sum(axis=1) time_series_median = # Flagging spikes > 10 in SNR mask = (time_series - time_series_median) / time_series.std() > 10 if mask.any():"Found spikes in the time series. Removing ...") # So that the value is not the median in the time_series. spectra[mask, :] = time_series_median / float(fftlen) else: median_flag = 0 logger.debug('median_flag={}'.format(median_flag)) # Allocate array for findopplering tree_findoppler = fd.kernels.xp.zeros(tsteps * tdwidth, dtype=fd.kernels.float_type) + median_flag # Allocate array for holding original tree_findoppler_original = fd.kernels.xp.empty_like(tree_findoppler, dtype=fd.kernels.float_type) # Allocate array for negative doppler rates tree_findoppler_flip = fd.kernels.xp.empty_like(tree_findoppler, dtype=fd.kernels.float_type) max_val = max_vals() if max_val.maxsnr is None: max_val.maxsnr = fd.kernels.xp.zeros(tdwidth, dtype=fd.kernels.float_type) if max_val.maxdrift is None: max_val.maxdrift = fd.kernels.xp.zeros(tdwidth, dtype=fd.kernels.float_type) if max_val.total_n_hits is None: max_val.total_n_hits = fd.kernels.xp.zeros(1, dtype=fd.kernels.xp.uint32) # Making "shoulders" to avoid edge effects. specstart = int(tsteps * shoulder_size / 2) specend = tdwidth - (tsteps * shoulder_size) logger.debug('specstart={}, specend={}'.format(specstart, specend)) # -------------------------------- # Stats calc the_median, the_stddev = comp_stats(spectra.sum(axis=0), logger.debug('comp_stats the_median={}, the_stddev={}'.format(the_median, the_stddev)) if fd.flag_blank_dc: # Remove the DC spike by making it the average of the adjacent columns midpoint = int(spectra.shape[1] / 2) spectra[:, midpoint] = (spectra[:, midpoint - 1] + spectra[:, midpoint + 1]) / 2 # If even a line where every pixel equals the brightest point is not bright enough to produce a hit, we can # skip all the expensive processing of this coarse channel. max_point = max_possible_line_sum = max_point * spectra.shape[0] max_possible_snr = (max_possible_line_sum - the_median) / the_stddev if max_possible_snr < fd.snr: logger.debug("Maximum possible SNR is %s so we can skip this coarse channel.", max_possible_snr) filewriter.close() logwriter.close() return True # -------------------------------- # Looping over drift_rate_nblock # -------------------------------- drift_rate_nblock = int( / (datah5_obj.drift_rate_resolution * tsteps_valid))) logger.debug('BEGIN looping over drift_rate_nblock, drift_rate_nblock={}.'.format(drift_rate_nblock)) # Transfer data to device spectra = fd.kernels.xp.asarray(spectra, dtype=fd.kernels.float_type) drift_low = -1 * drift_rate_nblock drift_high = drift_rate_nblock + 1 for drift_block in range(drift_low, drift_high): logger.debug("Drift_block {} (in range from {} through {})" .format(drift_block, drift_low, drift_rate_nblock)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Negative drift rates search. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if drift_block <= 0: # Populates the find_doppler tree with the spectra populate_tree(fd, spectra, tree_findoppler, nframes, tdwidth, tsteps, fftlen, shoulder_size, roll=drift_block, reverse=1) # populate original array fd.kernels.xp.copyto(tree_findoppler_original, tree_findoppler) # populate neg doppler array fd.kernels.xp.copyto(tree_findoppler_flip, tree_findoppler_original) # Flip matrix across X dimension to search negative doppler drift rates fd.kernels.xp.copyto(tree_findoppler_flip, tree_findoppler_flip.reshape((tsteps, tdwidth))[:, ::-1].ravel()) tree_findoppler_flip =, tsteps) logger.debug("done...") # Calculates the drift rates for the full drift block. # The smallest drift is block_start units of the drift resolution, and we # are considering tsteps_valid different drifts. block_start = (tsteps_valid - 1) * drift_block complete_drift_range = datah5_obj.drift_rate_resolution * range(block_start + 1 - tsteps_valid, block_start + 1)) bool_selected = complete_drift_range >= -fd.max_drift logger.debug('***** drift_block <= 0 selected drift range:\n%s', complete_drift_range[bool_selected]) for k, drift_rate in enumerate(complete_drift_range[bool_selected]): # Fix drift rate in flipped files if datah5_obj.header['DELTAF'] < 0: drift_rate = -drift_rate drift_index = drift_indices[::-1][bool_selected][k] spectrum = fd.kernels.get_spectrum(tree_findoppler_flip, tsteps, tdwidth, drift_index) # Reverse spectrum back spectrum = spectrum[::-1] if abs(drift_rate) > fd.min_drift: hitsearch(fd, spectrum, specstart, specend, fd.snr, drift_rate, datah5_obj.header, tdwidth, max_val, the_median, the_stddev) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Positive drift rates search. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if drift_block >= 0: # Populates the find_doppler tree with the spectra populate_tree(fd, spectra, tree_findoppler, nframes, tdwidth, tsteps, fftlen, shoulder_size, roll=drift_block, reverse=1) # populate original array fd.kernels.xp.copyto(tree_findoppler_original, tree_findoppler) tree_findoppler =, tsteps) # Calculates the drift rates for the full drift block. # The smallest drift is block_start units of the drift resolution, and we # are considering tsteps_valid different drifts. block_start = (tsteps_valid - 1) * drift_block complete_drift_range = datah5_obj.drift_rate_resolution * range(block_start, block_start + tsteps_valid)) bool_selected = complete_drift_range <= fd.max_drift logger.debug('***** drift_block >= 0 selected drift range:\n%s', complete_drift_range[bool_selected]) for k, drift_rate in enumerate(complete_drift_range[bool_selected]): # Fix drift rate in flipped files if datah5_obj.header['DELTAF'] < 0: drift_rate = -drift_rate drift_index = drift_indices[k] spectrum = fd.kernels.get_spectrum(tree_findoppler, tsteps, tdwidth, drift_index) if abs(drift_rate) > fd.min_drift: hitsearch(fd, spectrum, specstart, specend, fd.snr, drift_rate, datah5_obj.header, tdwidth, max_val, the_median, the_stddev) # Writing the top hits to file. logger.debug('END looping over drift_rate_nblock.') tophitsearch(fd, tree_findoppler_original, max_val, tsteps, datah5_obj.header, tdwidth, fftlen, fd.max_drift, datah5_obj.drift_rate_resolution, logwriter=logwriter, filewriter=filewriter, obs_info=fd.obs_info) logger.debug("Total number of candidates for coarse channel " + str(datah5_obj.header['cchan_id']) + " is: %i" % max_val.total_n_hits) filewriter.close() logwriter.close() return True # Needed for dask
[docs]def populate_tree(fd, spectra, tree_findoppler, nframes, tdwidth, tsteps, fftlen, shoulder_size, roll=0, reverse=0): r""" This script populates the findoppler tree with the spectra. Parameters ---------- fd : FindDoppler object Instance of FindDoppler class. spectra : ndarray Spectra matrix. tree_findoppler : ndarray Tree to be populated with spectra. nframes : int tdwidth : int tsteps : int fftlen : int Length of fast fourier transform (fft) matrix. shoulder_size : int Size of shoulder region. roll : int, optional Used to calculate amount each entry to the spectra should be rolled (shifted). reverse : int, optional Used to determine which way spectra should be rolled (shifted). Returns ------- : ndarray Spectra-populated version of the input tree_findoppler. Notes ----- It creates two "shoulders" (each region of tsteps*(shoulder_size/2) in size) to avoid "edge" issues. It uses np.roll() for drift-rate blocks higher than 1. """ logger.debug("populate_tree() roll=" + str(roll)) if reverse: direction = -1 else: direction = 1 size = tsteps*int(shoulder_size/2) for i in range(0, nframes): sind_b = (i * tdwidth) sind_a = sind_b + size ##EE copy spectra into tree_findoppler, leaving two regions in each side blank (each region of tsteps*(shoulder_size/2) in size). # Copy spectra into tree_findoppler, with rolling. fd.kernels.xp.copyto(tree_findoppler[sind_a:sind_a+fftlen], fd.kernels.xp.roll(spectra[i], roll * i * direction)) ##EE loads the end part of the current spectrum into the left hand side black region in tree_findoppler (comment below says "next spectra" but for that need i+1...bug?) #load end of current spectra into left hand side of next spectra fd.kernels.xp.copyto(tree_findoppler[sind_b:sind_b+size], spectra[i, fftlen-size:fftlen]) return tree_findoppler
[docs]def hitsearch(fd, spectrum, specstart, specend, snr_thresh, drift_rate, header, tdwidth, max_val, the_median, the_stddev): r""" Searches for hits that exceed the given SNR threshold. Note that the "max" arrays share the index values as any given spectrum. They represent maximums with respect to the frequency columns in the range (0, FFT length). Let S be the subspectrum given by spectrum[specstart:specend]. Set hit-counter to 0. For each element of S, Subtract the given median and divide that result by the given standard deviation, giving the new element value. if the element value > snr_thresh then Increment hit-counter If element value > current max SNR using the common index then Set the current max SNR at the common index = this element. Set the current max drift rate at the common index = drift rate of this element. Increment the grand total of hits by the hit-counter. Parameters ---------- fd : FindDoppler Instance of FindDoppler class. spectrum : ndarray Array of data values along the frequency axis of length = FFT length. specstart : int First index to search for hit in spectrum. specend : int Last index to search for hit in spectrum. snr_thresh : float Minimum signal to noise ratio for candidacy. drift_rate : float Drift rate at which we are searching for hits. header : dict Header in fits header format. See's DATAH5 class header. tdwidth : int FFT Length = # fine channels / # coarse channels. max_val : max_vals Object to be filled with max values from this search and then returned. Length of each subarray = FFT length. """ global logger logger.debug('Start searching for hits at drift rate: %f' % drift_rate) if fd.kernels.gpu_backend: blockSize = 512 length = specend - specstart numBlocks = (length + blockSize - 1) // blockSize spectrum_tmp = fd.kernels.xp.copy(spectrum[specstart:specend]) call = (length, spectrum_tmp, float(snr_thresh), float(drift_rate), max_val.maxsnr, max_val.maxdrift, max_val.total_n_hits, the_median, the_stddev) fd.kernels.hitsearch((numBlocks,), (blockSize,), call) else: # normalize spectrum -= the_median spectrum /= the_stddev hits = 0 # Loop for all spectrum elements that exceed the given SNR threshold. # We offset each index value returned by np.nonzero()[0] by specstart # in order to use the returned index set on the original spectrum array. for i in (spectrum[specstart:specend] > snr_thresh).nonzero()[0] + specstart: if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: info_str = 'Hit found at SNR %f!\t' % (spectrum[i]) info_str += 'Spectrum index: %d, Drift rate: %f\t' % (i, drift_rate) info_str += 'Uncorrected frequency: %f\t' % chan_freq(header, i, tdwidth, 0) info_str += 'Corrected frequency: %f' % chan_freq(header, i, tdwidth, 1) logger.debug(info_str) hits += 1 if spectrum[i] > max_val.maxsnr[i]: max_val.maxsnr[i] = spectrum[i] max_val.maxdrift[i] = drift_rate max_val.total_n_hits[0] += hits
[docs]def tophitsearch(fd, tree_findoppler_original, max_val, tsteps, header, tdwidth, fftlen, max_drift, drift_rate_resolution, logwriter=None, filewriter=None, obs_info=None): r""" This finds the hits with largest SNR within a nearby window of frequency channels. The window size is calculated so that we cannot report multiple overlapping hits. Parameters ---------- tree_findoppler_original : ndarray Spectra-populated findoppler tree max_val : max_vals Contains max values from hitsearch tsteps : int header : dict Header in fits header format. Used to report tophit in filewriter. See :class:`~turbo_seti.find_doppler.data_handler.DATAH5` tdwidth : int fftlen : int Length of fast fourier transform (fft) matrix max_drift : float Maximum drift rate in Hz/second drift_rate_resolution : float The drift rate corresponding to drifting rightwards one bin in the whole observation logwriter : LogWriter, optional Logwriter to which we should write if we find a top hit. filewriter : FileWriter, optional Filewriter corresponding to file to which we should save the local maximum of tophit. See :func:`~turbo_seti.find_doppler.file_writers.FileWriter.report_tophit` obs_info : dict, optional Returns ------- : FileWriter Same filewriter that was input. """ global logger maxsnr = max_val.maxsnr logger.debug("original matrix size: %d\t(%d, %d)" % (len(tree_findoppler_original), tsteps, tdwidth)) logger.debug("tree_orig shape: %s"%str((tsteps, tdwidth))) if fd.kernels.gpu_backend: maxsnr = fd.kernels.xp.asnumpy(maxsnr) # This distance is the furthest number of bins apart two overlapping hits can be, # because each hit could be drifting toward each other by max_drift, and to convert # that into units of bins you divide by the resolution. distance = 2 * math.ceil(max_drift / abs(drift_rate_resolution)) for i in (maxsnr > 0).nonzero()[0]: lbound = int(max(0, i - distance)) ubound = int(min(tdwidth, i + distance)) if (maxsnr[lbound:ubound] > maxsnr[i]).nonzero()[0].any(): logger.debug("SNR not big enough... %f pass... index: %d", maxsnr[i], i) continue drate = max_val.maxdrift[i] info_str = "Top hit found! SNR {:f}, Drift Rate {:f}, index {}" \ .format(maxsnr[i], drate.item(), i) if logwriter: if filewriter: filewriter = filewriter.report_tophit(max_val, i, (lbound, ubound), tdwidth, fftlen, header, max_val.total_n_hits[0], obs_info=obs_info) else: logger.error('No filewriter available in tophitsearch.')