Source code for turbo_seti.find_doppler.file_writers

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from .helper_functions import chan_freq

[docs]class GeneralWriter: r""" Wrapper class for file operations. """ def __init__(self, filename='', mode='a'): r""" Initializes GeneralWriter object. Opens given file with given mode, sets new object's filehandle to the file object, sets the new object's filename to the file's name, then closes the file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file on which we would like to perform operations. mode : str {'a', 'r', 'w', 'x'}, optional Mode which we want to use to open file, same modes as the built-in python built-in open function: read (`r`), append (`a`), write (`w`), or create (`x`). """ with open(filename, mode) as myfile: self.filehandle = myfile self.filename = filename
[docs] def close(self): r""" Closes file object if it is open. """ if self.filehandle.closed: pass else: self.filehandle.close()
[docs] def open(self, mode='a'): r""" Opens the file with the inputted mode, then closes it. Does not actually leave the file opened, only used for changing mode. Parameters ---------- mode : str {'a', 'r', 'w', 'x'}, optional Mode which we want to assign to this file, same modes as the built-in python built-in open function: read (`r`), append (`a`), write (`w`), or create (`x`). """ if self.filehandle.closed: with open(self.filename, mode) as myfile: self.filehandle = myfile elif self.filehandle.mode == mode: return else: self.close() with open(self.filename, mode) as myfile: self.filehandle = myfile
[docs] def is_open(self): r""" Checks if file is open. Returns ------- : boolean True if file is open, False otherwise. """ return not self.filehandle.closed
[docs] def writable(self): r""" Checks if file is open, and if it is, checks that mode is either write or append. Returns ------- : boolean True if file is open and writeable, False otherwise. """ return self.is_open() and (('w' in self.filehandle.mode) or ('a' in self.filehandle.mode))
[docs] def write(self, info_str, mode='a'): r""" Sets file mode to a writeable mode and opens it if it is not already open in a writeable mode, writes info_str to it, and then closes it. If the file was not previously open when this is called, the file is closed after writing in order to maintain the state the filewriter was in before. Parameters ---------- info_str : str Data to be written to file. mode : str {'a', 'w'}, optional Mode for file. If it is not a writeable mode, it will be set to a writeable mode. """ if mode not in ('a', 'w'): mode = 'a' if not self.writable(): with open(self.filename, mode) as myfile: myfile.write(info_str) self.filehandle = myfile else: self.filehandle.write(info_str)
[docs]class FileWriter(GeneralWriter): r""" Used to write information to turboSETI output files. """ def __init__(self, filename, header): r""" Initializes FileWriter object and writes its header. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file on which we would like to perform operations. header : dict Information to be written to header of file filename. """ GeneralWriter.__init__(self, filename) self.write('# -------------------------- o --------------------------\n') self.write('# File ID: %s \n'%(filename.split('/')[-1].replace('.dat','')+'.h5')) self.write('# -------------------------- o --------------------------\n') self.report_header(header) self.tophit_count = 0
[docs] def report_header(self, header): r""" Write header information per given obs. Parameters ---------- header : dict Information to be written to file header. """ info_str = '# Source:{}\n# MJD: {:18.12f}\tRA: {}\tDEC: {}\n# DELTAT: {:10.6f}\tDELTAF(Hz): {:10.6f}\tmax_drift_rate: {:10.6f}\tobs_length: {:10.6f}\n' \ .format(header['SOURCE'],header['MJD'], header['RA'], header['DEC'], header['DELTAT'], header['DELTAF']*1e6, header['max_drift_rate'], header['obs_length']) self.write(info_str) self.write('# --------------------------\n') info_str = '# Top_Hit_# \t' info_str += 'Drift_Rate \t' info_str += 'SNR \t' info_str += 'Uncorrected_Frequency \t' info_str += 'Corrected_Frequency \t' info_str += 'Index \t' info_str += 'freq_start \t' info_str += 'freq_end \t' info_str += 'SEFD \t' info_str += 'SEFD_freq \t' info_str += 'Coarse_Channel_Number \t' info_str += 'Full_number_of_hits \t' info_str +='\n' self.write(info_str) self.write('# --------------------------\n')
[docs] def report_tophit(self, max_val, ind, ind_tuple, tdwidth, fftlen, header, total_n_candi, obs_info=None): r""" This function looks into the top hit in a region, basically finds the local maximum and saves that. Parameters ---------- max_val : findopp ind : int Index at which top hit is located in max_val's maxdrift and maxsnr. ind_tuple: tuple(int, int) (lbound, ubound) tdwidth : int fftlen : int Length of the fast fourier transform matrix. header : dict Contains info on coarse channel to be written to file. total_n_candi : int obs_info: dict, optional Used to hold info found on file, including info about pulsars, RFI, and SEFD. Returns ------- : FileWriter object that called this function. """ offset = int((tdwidth - fftlen)/2) tdwidth = len(max_val.maxsnr) self.tophit_count += 1 freq_start = chan_freq(header, ind_tuple[0]-offset, tdwidth, 0) freq_end = chan_freq(header, ind_tuple[1]-1-offset, tdwidth, 0) uncorr_freq = chan_freq(header, ind-offset, tdwidth, 0) corr_freq = chan_freq(header, ind-offset, tdwidth, 1) #Choosing the index of given SEFD and freq. if obs_info['SEFDs_freq'][0] > 0.: this_one = np.arange(len(obs_info['SEFDs_freq']))[ (obs_info['SEFDs_freq_up']>uncorr_freq) ][0] else: this_one = 0 info_str = '%06d\t'%(self.tophit_count) #Top Hit number info_str += '%10.6f\t'%max_val.maxdrift[ind] #Drift Rate info_str += '%10.6f\t'%max_val.maxsnr[ind] #SNR info_str += '%14.6f\t'%uncorr_freq #Uncorrected Frequency: info_str += '%14.6f\t'%corr_freq #Corrected Frequency: info_str += '%d\t'%(ind - offset) #Index: info_str += '%14.6f\t'%freq_start #freq_start: info_str += '%14.6f\t'%freq_end #freq_end: info_str += '%s\t'%obs_info['SEFDs_val'][this_one] #SEFD: info_str += '%14.6f\t'%obs_info['SEFDs_freq'][this_one] #SEFD_mid_freq: info_str += '%i\t'%header['cchan_id'] info_str += '%i\t'%total_n_candi # info_str +='\n' self.write(info_str) return self
[docs]class LogWriter(GeneralWriter): r""" Used to write data to log. """
[docs] def info(self, info_str): r""" Writes info_str to file. Parameters ---------- info_str : str String to be written to file. """ self.write(info_str + '\n')